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"This I saw on an April day: warm rain spilt from a sun-lined cloud, a sky-flung wave of gold at evening......"
(from the poem "In April" by James Hearst)

Since our last entry, we've had more busy weeks than we've known what to do with- which is a nice complaint to have! We had extremely warm welcomes for our TV OB crews in March, firstly  Listowel for St. Patrick's Day, and then in Clonard in Wexford for the Good Friday and Easter Saturday Ceremonies.

As April came to a close, we bid farewell to our own Maynooth University students as they wrapped on their own documentary/tv studio and drama production schedules, and we also bid a final farewell to our wonderful Third Years, some of whom are now heading out in the media world for the first time!

We also bid farewell to the wonderful crew from Indie Pics, who have been producing some of the TV3 series  "Doctor in the House" on location here in our studios.

Our radio production crew didn't have too far to travel recently, working with several congregations and parishes, from Ashbourne in Meath, to Methodist Centenary Church in Leeson Park to Ballyfermot's Church of the Assumption. You can take a listen back to some of the broadcasts by clicking on the parish names above. 

We've had the pleasure of working with our neighbours across the road, both in Maynooth University, and St. Patrick's College, on several different projects recently, from Seminarians singing in the Gunn Chapel to Business and Music students combining their skills for presentations, which has been quite the learning experience for our camera people too!

Later this month, we're heading West to Knock Shrine to film the 5th Anniversary Mass for the wonderful Donal Walsh - you can take a look at the inspiring legacy he has left at the Donal Walsh Live Life website.

We're also about to launch a new post-graduate course starting this September, you can find out all about it by clicking here!

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